Board Meetings / Annual Reports
The CaliforniaGeo Board meets bi-monthly, usually on the 3rd Thursday at 9:00am (Pacific Time). These sessions are held via our Zoom electronic meeting platform. In accordance with Article 5 of our ByLaws, members and the public are welcome to join in as non-voting participants by advance request through the Contact Us Page and they will be sent login information. Members vote in the periodic election of new board members, held in early December.
The Board usually meets on Thursday mornings (Pacific Time) around the third week of every other month except for July and August.
Upcoming Board of Directors Meetings—
Thursday January 23rd @9:00-10:30 am PST
Thursday February 20th @9:00-10:30 am PST
Thursday March 20th @9:00-10:30 am PDT
Thursday April 17th @9:00-10:30 am PDT
[ By board action on January 18th, 2024 CaliforniaGeo will not hold Board of Directors Meetings in the busy summer field months of July and August ]