Pitcher Services, LLC - The Directory of our Professional Member/Practitioners

Here,  you can search the MULTIPLE SCREEN PAGES  of our Directory’s  41  members who can assist with design, analysis, equipment, installation, or commissioning for geo heat pump projects in all types of buildings.

Work 218 Demeter Street East Palo Alto California 94303 Home Phone: (650) 328-8910 Website: Pitcher Services LLC


Pitcher Services, LLC began operations in 1933 as Pitcher Drilling, offering water well drilling services. Since our inception, we have evolved into a full service drilling contractor and provide a wide range of geotechnical drilling and testing solutions. Our geotechnical drilling expertise encompasses site investigation and inhole testing. With extensive experience completing investigations at hard to access sites, we have the knowledge and equipment to work on any site where information is needed, on-land and overwater. Pitcher Services, LLC offers the following geotechnical drilling and testing services.


  • Mud Rotary Drilling
  • Hollow Stem Auger Drilling
  • Overwater Drilling and Testing
  • Split Spoon Sampling
  • Shelby Tube Sampling
  • Osterberg Sampling
  • Piston Sampling
  • Soil Coring
  • Wireline Rock Coring (NQ/HQ/PQ)
  • Piezometer Installation
  • Inclinometer Installation
  • Extensiometer Installation
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218 Demeter Street East Palo Alto California 94303