Education Partner-Sponsor: Geothermal Exchange Organization

geologo_site_100928The Geothermal Exchange Organization (GEO) is the voice of the U.S. geothermal heat pump industry. In a changing energy world, our government affairs and public outreach strategies are more important than ever before to knocking down barriers to industry growth. As a non-profit trade association, our mission is to support our members’ business objectives while promoting maximum, sustainable growth of the geothermal heat pump industry. One of our primary goals is to assist, help coordinate, and support the efforts of state and regional geothermal heat pump advocacy organizations. With CaliforniaGeo, we want to encourage all Californians to increase their use of geothermal heat pump technology, in keeping with the Golden State’s robust history of energy efficiency adoption. GEO stands behind educational efforts that help the public understand the efficiency and environmental benefits of our heating and cooling technology, prompting people to “go clean and green.” The sustainable growth of the geothermal heat pump industry in California and the Nation will help sustain the quality of our lives in the environment we all share.

More From Our Friends at GEO

The Geothermal Exchange Organization (GEO) is The Voice of the Geothermal Heat Pump Industry in the United States. As a non-profit trade association, we promote the manufacture, design and installation of GeoExchange® systems—the most energy efficient and environmentally friendly heating and cooling technology in the world.

Government affairs and public outreach strategies pursued by GEO are more important than ever to knocking down barriers to industry growth, maintaining progress already won, and securing new opportunities. GEO advocacy successfully increased tax credits for residential geothermal heat pump installations from $300 to 30% of system costs. And through our efforts, geothermal heat pumps are increasingly recognized as a renewable energy technology alongside wind and solar, ensuring an integral role in meeting future government energy and environmental goals.

Our mission is to support our members’ business objectives while promoting maximum, sustainable growth of the geothermal heat pump industry through Advocacy, Partnerships, Public Outreach, and Promotion of Quality Standards.

GEO’s aggressive government affairs program has achieved major successes for the geothermal heat pump industry, including 30% residential / 10% commercial tax credits in the United States for GeoExchange® system installations. Going forward, our legislative and regulatory initiatives include:

  • Qualification of geothermal heat pumps under pending energy and climate legislation, which could result in consumer benefits and electric utility promotion programs.
  • Development of policy and model geothermal heat pump legislation and regulations for various governments, and support for agency geothermal initiatives.
  • Establishment of dedicated, permanent and well-funded government programs for geothermal heat pump research, data collection, and promotion.
  • Recognition of benefits and accelerated installation of geothermal heat pump systems in government buildings.
  • Coordination of grassroots support for various issues by GEO Members and industry participants.

GEO believes in forging strong alliances with industry associations, organizations, institutions and government agencies to pursue issues of common interest that will help nurture our industry. Among others, we regularly work the U.S. Department of Energy, International Ground Source Heat Pump Association, Geothermal Energy Association, Geothermal Resources Council, Air Conditioning Contractors of America, National Ground Water Association and the American Ground Water Trust. Partnering efforts include:

  • Development of joint positions regarding federal and state legislation and regulations.
  • Collaboration with investor-owned, municipal and cooperative electric utilities to encourage and promote geothermal heat pump installation programs.
  • Work with U.S. Department of Energy and National Laboratories on standardized design and installation standards, and development of electronic tracking devices and databases for monitoring the quality and efficiency of geothermal heat pump systems.

Public Outreach
GEO’s public education efforts for the geothermal heating and cooling industry include GeoExchange® branding, consumer awareness and other programs designed to drive demand to GEO Members. We are also actively involved in:

  • Education of regulatory officials and legislators about the unique renewable energy advantages of geothermal heating and cooling, and the need for continued residential and commercial tax credits for geothermal heat pump installations.
  • Organization of—and participation in—legislative energy education events. Increasing news media contact for better understanding of geothermal heat pump systems.
  • Seeking press and news media contacts for publications, radio and television interviews with industry experts.
  • Providing presentations about geothermal heat pumps for conferences and workshops beyond the industry, as well as for magazines and other publications.
  • Maintaining the GEO toll-free information hotline at 1(888)-255-4436, making continual improvements to the GeoExchange® website at, and updating the online GeoExchange Directory with new member information.

Quality Standards
GEO actively works with the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association and a host of other organizations to promote the development and adoption of codes and standards for geothermal heat pump installation training, certification and accreditation.

Get Involved today! Join GEO Now
