Hydrogen is Coming

Blog #90  Hydrogen is the least dense of any element in the Periodic Table but among the most stable when combined with oxygen as a water molecule.  Three fifths of the earth’s surface is covered with salty ocean waters and the average depth is something like 12,000 feet.               […]

This Range War isn’t in the “Old West”

Blog #89  By 1957 I was 10 years old.  Occasionally, I would be with my dad, on cardboard or a creeper under a vehicle in our Oakland, California garage.  I wanted to be helpful, and this turned out to be a series of mechanical learning experiences.  There were other ones throughout my youth, and as […]

Worries About My Refrigerator—New DOE Standards for ZNE-Ready

Blog #88  It was a slap in the face to see that my current 2014 Zero Net Energy home had a fridge that doesn’t meet the Department of Energy’s newest guidelines.  Their standards for refrigerators say that these appliances must be Energy Star listed (which mine was when I bought it in 2013).   On […]

Pump Prices, Subsidies, Rockets & Feathers Markets

(Consumer protection can only come from more renewables) Blog #87, CaliforniaGeo 7-31-22 Pump prices- Gas station prices have always been closely watched by Americans.  In times of stability, there are still some complaints about gasoline prices.  In times of price increases, many citizens are enraged, and missles spraying that rage are fired in all directions.  […]

Upcoming Dryness (More Danger?)

Blog #86, CaliforniaGeo 4-7-22  Plumas (recent) fire history- Where I live in Quincy, California, we’ve been threatened by wildfire three times in the past five years and we evacuated twice.  The largest and longest danger we endured was from the Dixie Fire from mid-July to late-October, 2021.  By the time of its containment its staffing […]

The 2021 Texas Power Crisis

(With opening re-caps from Wikipedia) Blog #85, CaliforniaGeo 2-12-22 Wikipedia’s opening two paragraphs about Texas’ 2021 deep freeze- “In February 2021, the state of Texas suffered a major power crisis, which came about as a  result of three severe winter storms sweeping across the United States on February 10–11, 13–17, and 15–20. The storms caused […]

Policies That Thrust Cities Forward

(Rankings by the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy) Blog #84 CaliforniaGeo 2-8-22 An individual person’s wish or dream is an aspiration that may or may not be fulfilled over time.  Sometimes priorities change.  The equivalent for governmental jurisdictions are referred to as policies.  They are aspirational and out in the open for all […]

Proven Carbon Capture and Avoidance

Photons to wood and Photons to electricity Blog #83, CaliforniaGeo 11-16–21  Fall can be a colorful time of year.  For some, it is the final goodbye to summer’s growing season and for others, a warning that shorter days are already here, with winter fast approaching.  For many of us, coping with Fall is a bit […]

Utility Participation and Iterative Design over Rules of Thumb

Ground Loop Precision for Commercial Applications Blog #82 CaliforniaGeo 9-7-21  IGSHPA’s latest Town Hall- In keeping with an effort to stimulate, enlighten, and provide education on topics aligned with geothermal heat pump technology, the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association produced its most recent Town Hall session on August 26th.  Even though the option for […]

Heat, Drought, and Watershed Storage

Blog #80  6-30-21  CaliforniaGeo   A Heat Dome Covered the Pacific Northwest-  This week, Portland, Oregon became a standout for shattered record temperatures, causing a re-shuffling of high temp U.S. cities.  It was a tough string of days for a region where less than a third of residences have air conditioning.  It  was 117° in […]