Search Results for: advocacy
WE REPRESENT THE GEOTHERMAL HEAT PUMP INDUSTRY Pure and simple, CaliforniaGeo is an advocate for geothermal heat pumps to penetrate the residential and commercial building markets in California as well as they have in most other regions of the United States. This doesn’t mean we want a mandate from somewhere that puts us through the […]
Blog #94 It started with citizen concern. A community-minded group centered near Boston called HEET had worked for some time to weatherize housing in the area to lower energy costs for consumers. Lower bills and carbon reduction were also on their mind. Many residents benefitted from greater comfort, too. When local methane leakage from 100-year old gas […]
What is it that’s moving us to Renewables? Blog#75 CaliforniaGeo 7-14-20 The Climate Forward department of the New York Times has been covering many subjects that pertain to sustainability, renewable resources, climate change, greenhouse gases, and the like. They began a tally immediately after the Trump Inauguration in early 2017. Since then, the Administration’s rhetoric […]
Report: Fossil fuel, utility interests spend $3.1M on Ohio elections BRIEF, From Utility Dive Weekly Newsletter Nov. 4, 2016 AUTHOR Robert Walton Dive Brief: • Fossil fuel interests including utilities spent $3.1 million this year, through October, on issues and candidates leading up to next week’s election, Midwest Energy News reports. • Midwest Energy News […]
How We Operate California Geothermal Heat Pump Association, Inc. DBA CaliforniaGeo is a nonprofit, 501c6 organization, incorporated in California. Its officers and directors are all volunteers, and operate without part-time or permanent staff. The founding board members saw a need for our effort to see that California not only catches up to the deployment of […]
The Geothermal Exchange Organization (GEO) is the voice of the U.S. geothermal heat pump industry. In a changing energy world, our government affairs and public outreach strategies are more important than ever before to knocking down barriers to industry growth. As a non-profit trade association, our mission is to support our members’ business objectives while […]
This is where we explain the importance of our partner-sponsors who help us craft and distribute the informational content that lets the public see the efficiencies of geothermal heat pump installations. Fighting to turn California’s ambitious statutes and policies into action on the ground is a challenge, particularly when it comes to getting geo heat pumps […]
The Geothermal Exchange Organization (GEO) is the voice of the U.S. geothermal heat pump industry. In a changing energy world, our government affairs and public outreach strategies are more important than ever before to knocking down barriers to industry growth. As a non-profit trade association, our mission is to support our members’ business objectives while […]