Document Library

Available Downloads from CaliforniaGeo’s research and publication collection, plus website links.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory——————————————————

10-year Utility Bill Savings at Fort Polk by Geo, (Shonder & Hughes) 2005 50 pp  DOWNLOAD

GeoVision Analysis Supporting Task Force Report on GHPs (Liu, Hughes, McCabe, Spitler, Southard) 2019  59 pp DOWNLOAD

Geo Heat Pumps: Market Status, & Overcoming Barriers (Hughes) 2008  40 pp  DOWNLOAD 

Hidden Treasure: Potential Benefits of Residential GSHP Retrofit (2404 downloads )

Assessment of National Benefits from Retrofitting Existing Single-Family Homes with Ground Source Heat Pump Systems (3092 downloads )

ASHRAE Headquarters Retrofit Study GHP vs VRF in Atlanta, GA (ORNL + OSU) 110 pp   DOWNLOAD

California Energy Commission——————————————————

Geo Heat Pump challenges in California: Project Negatherm (D. Murphy, USGBC) 2011 336 pp  DOWNLOAD

EV-specific rate design snapshots among U.S. IOUs Lawrence Berkeley Lab 4/23 36pp  DOWNLOAD

Presentation Outline for IEPR Workshop on GHPs (CEC Staff) Staff Workshop on Assembly Bill 2339 Requirements: Geothermal Heat Pump (GHP) Systems Potential for California (1866 downloads )

Staff Workshop on AB 2339 GSHP Potential in California (P. Bony)   Geothermal Heat Pump System Potential for California Net Zero Buildings (3129 downloads )

Geo Heat Pumps-101 (Meline Engineering)  IEPR Session 1 Part 1 (1120 downloads )

HVAC Equipment Ratings/Efficiency (S. Kavanaugh, PE)  IEPR Session 1 Part 2 (1204 downloads )

Performance of COMMERCIAL Ground Source Heat Pumps (S. Kavanaugh, PE)  IEPR Session 1 Part 3 (1319 downloads )

California’s low-temp Geo Heat Pump potential (W. Glassley, et al) Assessment of California’s Low Temperature Geothermal Resources: Geothermal Heat Pump Efficiencies by Region (3537 downloads )

Energy Star Buildings/Geo Heat Pumps, California & Beyond (L. Meline, PE)  IEPR Session 1 Part 4 (1076 downloads )

CEC EPIC/CPUC Lightning Talk for De-Carbonization via Geothermal Heat Pumps, Video 4:56 (B. Martin) 2020  DOWNLOAD 

CEC & Related Regulatory————————————————————–

Environmental Issues Related to Geothermal Heat Pump Systems U.S. EPA (reviewed/approved by Nat Groundwater Asso.) Sept 1997 98pp  DOWNLOAD

California’s last Nuke (Diablo Canyon) won’t close in 2025 due to grid challenges Sacto Bee 5-17-23  DOWNLOAD

CA Governor Newsom’s Climate Letter to the CARB 7-22-22 4pp  DOWNLOAD

CA Dept of Water Resources: Building of a Geo Heat Exchange Well Standard (L. Meline) 2021  DOWNLOAD

In-Situ Study of Grout Materials (Susan Lackey, U. of Nebraska School of Nat. Resources)  20 pp 2009  DOWNLOAD

AB 2339 Policy Implementation (CEC Working Group)   Draft Energy Commission Policy for Ground Source Heat Pumps (2344 downloads )

CaliforniaGeo Inspired Legislation   Assembly Bill No. 2339, CHAPTER 608 (0 downloads )

AB 2339 Fact Sheet  DOWNLOAD

The Status of Geothermal Heat Pumps in California-How to Right the Sinking Ship (A. Hester, et al) 2015  9 pp  DOWNLOAD

What AB 2339 Requires (CEC Staff)   Transcript of Staff Workshop on Assembly Bill 2339 Requirements (2589 downloads )

What Distinguishes GHPs from other HVAC  (CEC Staff)   Staff Paper: Geothermal Heat Pump and Ground Loop Technologies (2808 downloads )

California Air Resources Board Climate Change Scoping Plan 2017 132 pp  DOWNLOAD

Decarbonization of Heating Energy Use in California Buildings (Synapse Energy Economics) 2018 5 pp  DOWNLOAD

California Green Building Standards Code (CA Building Standards Commission) 2016  194 pp  DOWNLOAD

Title-24 2019 Energy Reach Code (City of Palo Alto) 44 pp  DOWNLOAD

 A Common Definition for Zero Energy Buildings (USDOE) 2015  22 pp  DOWNLOAD

 The Future of Gas Distribution in California (Energy+Environmental Economics) 2019 69 pp  DOWNLOAD

Review of State Net Energy Metering & Rate Design (National Regulatory Research Institute) 2019 48 pp  DOWNLOAD 

New York State  Clean Heat Statewide Heat Pump Incentive Program  (NYSERDA) 2020, 41 pp  DOWNLOAD

Push-Back against Time Dependent Valuation in Title-24, (B. Martin to CEC)  4-14-19 5 pp  DOWNLOAD

 Recovery of Utility Fixed Costs From Four Perspectives (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab) 2016  96 pp  DOWNLOAD

 Scorecard of States’ Energy Programs (slowed by COVID) (URL for Amer Council for an Energy Eff. Economy) 2020  DOWNLOAD

A Zero-Energy Code for Commercial California Buildings beyond Title-24 (Architecture2030) 2018  11 pp  DOWNLOAD

New Residential Zero Net Energy Action Plan 2015-2020 (CA Public Utility Comm. and CA Energy Comm.) 2015  5 pp  DOWNLOAD

Update on AB32 Scoping Plan (California Air Resources Board) 2014  148 pp  DOWNLOAD

Guidelines for Geothermal Heat Exchange Wells in Plumas County, CA  (Dept of Environmental Health) 2003 7 pp  DOWNLOAD

A Common Definition for Zero Energy Buildings (National Institute of Bldg. Sciences) 2015  22 pp  DOWNLOAD

State Survey Summary of Geo Heating & Cooling Heat Exchangers (Ntnl Ground Water Asso, et al) 2o10  11 pp  DOWNLOAD

Iowa De-Regulates its Energy Savings Expenditures for Electric and Gas Utilities  (Karen Uhlenhuth in PowerGrid) July 2020  3 pp  DOWNLOAD


Becoming a thermal utility, a gas company incorporates Geo Heat Pumps in district loop, WBUR 3-8-24  DOWNLOAD

The Next Power Plant is on roofs and in basements,  McKibben in the New Yorker 11-20-23  DOWNLOAD

Commercial Liftoff for Virtual Power Plants, USDOE, Jigar Shah 9-12-23  DOWNLOAD

Electrification and Decarbonization Impacts on Gas Distribution Costs (S. Nadel) ACEEE June 2023 47pp  DOWNLOAD

Stanford Study on gas stove chemicals and cancer risks  EurekAlert 6-16-23  DOWNLOAD

Champion gas leaker SoCal Gas worked to reverse the Berkeley, CA gas ban!  Sacto Bee 4-22-23  DOWNLOAD

It’s beginning:  Residential rates with KW demand elements in NYC  ConEd Letter DOWNLOAD

Fossil fuel generation dies in winter storms and cold weather  Nat. Resources Defense Council-Utility Dive 1-30-23  DOWNLOAD  

How a 3-state utility (Eversource) understands and promotes Geo Heat Pump technology video 2:24 WATCH VIDEO

Mountain vs Valley Geo Heat Pump Comparison (Truckee-Donner PUD & Sacto MUD) 1999  12 pp   Monitored Ground Source Heat Pump Performance in Northern California (2732 downloads )

Plumas-Sierra REC GeoHP Program Evaluation 2009  18 pp    Evaluation, Measurement & Verification Report for Plumas-Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative 2009 (1925 downloads )

Utility Loop Lease On-Bill Financing (Plumas-Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative) 2009  12 pp   2013 GeoExchange Exterior Loop Loan Program (1854 downloads )  

Plumas-Sierra REC Residential HVAC Rebate Application 2021  2 pp DOWNLOAD

Plumas-Sierra REC GeoExchange Loop Loan Program Summary 2009  13 pp  DOWNLOAD

Geo Heat Pump Cost/Benefit Review (PG&E + Davis Energy Group) 2010   Zero Net Energy Program: Ground Coupled Heat Pump Technology Assessment (2364 downloads )

Horizontally-Bored Residential Geo Heat Exchanger Case Study in Sacramento, CA (Sacto MUD) 2014 82 pp  DOWNLOAD

Review of Exemplary Utility Energy Efficiency Programs (American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy)  2019  DOWNLOAD

Southern CA Edison Study of solar component cost in Title-24  all-electric buildings (Redwood Energy)  2019  14 pp  DOWNLOAD

Efficient Electrification,  (Electric Power Research Institute on community-scale geo heat pumps)  Feb ’21  12 pp  DOWNLOAD

PG&E Electric Rates 2021 and Beyond, Analysis & Commentary By a Solar Customer, (B. Martin, AI) 2020  6 pp  DOWNLOAD

Utility-based Hi-Impact Multi-family Residential Efficiency Programs  (American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy)  7-2-21  8 pp  DOWNLOAD

A GeoGrid in Massachusetts replacing gas infrastructure (HEET, the Home Energy Efficiency Team) video 2:15  WATCH VIDEO

California Geothermal Heat Pump Association———————-

Application for a DOE Drilling Center w/equipment & training in the NE U.S. by IGSHPA 45pp May ’23 DOWNLOAD

PPI (Plastics Pipe Institute’s) New Specification MS-7  June ’23 27pp  DOWNLOAD

Controversial “Grandson” of California’s Net Energy Metering arrives via CPUC 4-15-23  DOWNLOAD

Worries over upcoming CA Dept of Water Resources regulations over closed loop heat exchangers  Bill Martin 80 pp 2023  DOWNLOAD

NYC Affordable & Efficient Apartments (story by Canary Media) 2-9-23  DOWNLOAD

High-Rise Multi-Family facility pioneers large scale geothermal wastewater heat exchange PMEngineer 12-20-22 7pp  DOWNLOAD

No Miracle Tech Needed: Switch to Renewables at Lower Cost  (Mark Z. Jacobson in The Hill 2022  DOWNLOAD

Solutions to global warming for 145 nations (Mark Z. Jacobson in the Royal Society of Chemistry) 6-9-22 118 pp  DOWNLOAD

Determination and Methods for Thermal Conductivity Testing (T. Proffer, CGD) 2016  8 pp  DOWNLOAD

Where Should the Test Borehole Go, and How Deep?  (T. Proffer, CGD) 2020  3 pp  DOWNLOAD

Pumping Hydraulics and Expansion Tank use in Geo Loop Systems (J. Hammond) 2017  15 pp DOWNLOAD

(Colorado) Closed Loop Ground Heat Exchangers & Aquifer Protection (T. Proffer, CGD)  DOWNLOAD 

Carbonless Zero Net Energy in the Northern Sierra- Geo + Solar 2021  3 pp (B. Martin, AI)  DOWNLOAD

Assessment of Helical wide bore Geo Heat Exchange Loops Western Cooling Efficiency Center-UC Davis 2020  DOWNLOAD

Response to Pacific Gas & Electric Rate Application to CPUC, (B. Martin) 2020  4 pp  DOWNLOAD

Health Threatening Air Pollution Emitted from Household Gas Appliances-Executive Summary, UCLA 2020  3 pp  DOWNLOAD

Ground Loop Performance Testing at the Quincy ZNE House, (B. Martin) 2015 4pp  DOWNLOAD

Design, Construction, and Performance of the Quincy ZNE House, (B. Martin) 2018  22 pp  DOWNLOAD

Geo Heat Pump Design & Installation Standards (Condensed Contents) CSA/ANSI/IGSHPA C448 Series-16, 2017  9 pp  DOWNLOAD

Demystifying Codes and Standards Affecting the Geo Industry and its materials.  A CalGeo UNDERGROUND presentation by Lance MacNevin, October, 2021.  (57:22)  VIEW VIDEO

3rd Party Grout Analysis at Mission College, Santa Clara, CA, (T. Proffer) 2012  5 pp  DOWNLOAD

Denver Housing Authority 209-unit Hirschfield Towers geo retrofit 2008  10 pp  DOWNLOAD

Water Conservation via Submerged Plate Geo Heat Exchangers (Webinar delivered by Alan Watts) 2014  31 pp  DOWNLOAD

Design & Installation Standards for Closed-Loop Geo Heat Pump Systems (Skouby & Meline for IGSHPA)  2014  28 pp  DOWNLOAD

A Zero Net Energy Seminar features (A Lucky 13 videos) of the daylong 2015 session in San Jose, CA  WEBSITE LINK


An Engineer’s report on the Plumas County Annex -Meline 6pp. DOWNLOAD

U.S. Solar PV System and Energy Storage Cost Benchmark, NREL’s Feldman et al, 2021 120pp DOWNLOAD

Geo Micro-District Feasibility Study, HEET & BuroHappold Engineers 68pp 7/1/19  DOWNLOAD

We should Re-frame the Imprecision of R-values (James, Leaman, Hendricks) Journal of Light Construction 1pp 1-12-23  DOWNLOAD

Flooded City of Hoboken, NJ sues Big Oil using RICO statutes (featured in 5-19-23  DOWNLOAD

World’s deepest fixed wind turbine ocean foundation, Renewable Energy  DOWNLOAD

Simple Math could be key to solving our Climate Crisis  Bill McKibben in Rolling Stone 4-2-23 5pp  DOWNLOAD

There WAS a cleaner gas burner in the 1980s, but regulation didn’t demand it  (Feature in NPR) 2-4-23  DOWNLOAD

Mass Timber Strategy (for construction) in the Northern Sierra, Sierra Institute 2021 114 pp DOWNLOAD

Exxon knew its Affects on Global Warming All Along  McKibben 1-12-23 2pp  DOWNLOAD

Electromagnetic interference with implanted cardiac pacemakers  NIH Library of Medicine, Tikkaja, et al 11-1-12  DOWNLOAD

Billion dollar losses, Trillion dollar threats, A research report for PSE 49pp 10-19-22  DOWNLOAD

Mass timber & Other Wood Products in California, Redmore et all @Sierra Institute for Community & Environment 114pp 2021  DOWNLOAD

Mississippi River Pumped Westward for drought relief (an Engineer’s View) The Desert Sun 4pp 7-25-22  DOWNLOAD

The Hydrogen Blues, and Greens, and Grays; Fossil Fuels in Disguise?  High Country News, 2 pp 7-1-22  DOWNLOAD

Toward Net Zero Emissions from Oregon Buildings (Synapse Energy Economics) for Sierra Club 2022 73 pp  DOWNLOAD

The concentrating thermal power of Geo (even in northern Canada) Green Energy Futures 6:18 WATCH VIDEO

Harnessing Geo Heat Pumps for Efficiency & Climate Defense (Ellis & G.E.O.) 2020  56 pp  DOWNLOAD

ASHRAE forms Task Force for Building Decarbonization 2021  DOWNLOAD

Geo Heat Pumps—Simply Efficient (American Society of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers) 2019  11 pp  DOWNLOAD

Berkeley, CA Fact Sheet on Electric Induction Cooking Appliances, -Lent 2019 DOWNLOAD

Charging Your Electric Vehicle (AM Conservation Group) 2019 31pp DOWNLOAD

Combating Climate Change through High-Performance Districts (Rocky Mtn Institute) 2020  DOWNLOAD

The Economics of Electrifying Buildings (S. Billimoria, et al, Rocky Mtn Institute) 2018 73 pp  DOWNLOAD

Action Plan to Expand the Geo Heat Pump Market in North America (IGSHPA) 2017  28 pp  DOWNLOAD

A Roadmap To Decarbonize California Buildings (Building Decarbonization Coalition) 2019  16 pp  DOWNLOAD

Municipal Water-Based Geo Heat Pump Exchanger Feasibility (Bloomquist & Wegman, a USDOE Contract) 1998  70 pp  DOWNLOAD

Implementing Geo Heat Pumps at U.S. Dept of the Navy (J.Carson III U. of Florida) 2000  116 pp  DOWNLOAD

Pocket Guide to All-Electric Equipment Retrofits of Single Family Homes  (Redwood Energy) 2021  91 pp DOWNLOAD

Life Cycle Cost Comparisons of Single Family Heating & Cooling in California Climate Zone 3 (Raghavan & Johnson, UCB)  2020  4 pp  DOWNLOAD

Climate of Quincy, California (National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration) 1977  4 pp  DOWNLOAD

Review of a Net Energy Metered 7.4 KW Solar PV Retrofit and Electricity Basics (Martin Energetics Website link)

Clean Infrastructure: Efficiency Investments for Jobs, Climate, and Consumers (Fact Sheet by American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy)  6-21-21  3 pp  DOWNLOAD

Climate Change Terminology used at COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland 2021  Washington Post 3pp  DOWNLOAD 

Related Websites—————————————————————————–


PLASTICS PIPE INSTITUTE  (High Density PolyEthylene Pipe Products Used in Geo Heat Pump Applications)

THE GEO EXCHANGE ORGANIZATION, G.E.O.  (The Voice of the Geothermal Heat Pump Industry)

INTERNATIONAL GROUND SOURCE HEAT PUMP ASSOCIATION (The Original Research-Education-Training Organization)








CALIFORNIA INDEPENDENT SYSTEM OPERATOR (CAISO, grid manager for most of California’s Electricity)

WESTERN COOLING EFFICIENCY CENTER, (University of California at Davis)