New Learning

A CaliforniaGeo Webinar Could Boost Your Sustainability


Where Can Institutional Water Reduction Come From?
Worrying that California’s multi-year drought is the “new normal,” or that potable water for your building will become less available with increased cost?  It’s time to consider a better way for cooling institutional buildings with less waste and greater sustainability.  Minimize or eliminate cooling towers in your current or future building!
One of the best things California’s larger building owners (and the professionals who design them) can do is cut down on the use of cooling towers that make chilled water for space cooling by the power of evaporation.  CT’s consume potable water, chemicals, and lots of electricity—while producing wastewater not qualified to pass through treatment plants.  Can anything take their place?  YES!!
To find out WHY and HOW, consider CalforniaGeo’s webinar offering on permanent water reduction.
Feb.4th, 2016, at 11:30AM to 12:45PM PST: REGISTER HERE 
Water Reduction in Large Buildings by Geothermal Closed Loop Designs
Case Study:  Colorado Mesa University, Grand Junction
Case Study:  Pinellas County Emergency Operations Center, Florida
Case Study:  Nashville International Airport, Tennessee
Q & A Session