2015 Zero Net Energy Seminar
CaliforniaGeo wanted to share the fact that geothermal heat pumps can help accelerate the achievement of carbonless zero net energy buildings of all types in this state. Everything needed is already on hand. Therefore, we produced a day-long seminar at San Jose City College on April 23, 2015 that included 13 individual presentations by those on the cutting edge of the Zero Net Energy movement and you can review all that content, right here.
Creating Zero Net Energy Buildings with Off-the-Shelf Technologies
The program consisted of the following speakers:
Mark Z. Jacobson, Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering Director, Atmosphere Energy Program, Stanford University
Solving global warming, air pollution and energy insecurity with wind, water, and solar energy. (YouTube 36:35)
Dian Grueneich, Senior Research Scholar, Stanford University, CPUC Commissioner Emeritus
Energy Efficiency 2.0: A Prerequisite for Achieving our ZNE and GHG Goals (YouTube 42:55)
Bill Martin, Principal, Martin Energetics, CaliforniaGeo Board Chair, Instructor, Feather River College (retired)
How close are California’s actions for Zero Net Energy to its policies? What technologies get us to a TRUE ZNE future without carbon? (YouTube 31:35)
Robert W. Howarth Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University
Can Natural Gas contribute to Getting to ZNE? A bridge to nowhere: methane emissions and the greenhouse gas footprint of natural gas (YouTube 34:18)
David M. Johnson, AIA, Partner | Managing Director, William McDonough + Partners
Cradle to Cradle® Design for Energy Positive Places: Nike, NASA, and More (YouTube 16:47)
Marco Alves, P.E., PAE Engineers
Achieving ZNE+W Design at the Building and District scale with Geothermal System (YouTube 1:03:46)
Michael Koenig, Project Leader, Honda Smart Home, American Honda Motor Co, Inc. Environmental Business Development Office Honda Smart Home US
Honda Smart Home, Designing a Vision for Zero Carbon Living and Personal Mobility (YouTube 33:00)
Bruce Baccei, Emerging Technologies Project Manager, Energy R&D, Sacramento Municipal Utility District
Passive and Active Design Steps as Key Tools for Getting to ZNE (YouTube 12:35)
Paul Bony, Director of Residential Market Development & Western Regional Sales, ClimateMaster, and CaliforniaGeo Board Member
Optimizing Solar Photovoltaics with Geothermal Heat Pumps (YouTube 27:34)
Dick Bourne, Vice President, Integrated Comfort, Inc.
Zero Net Energy Multi-Family Case Study with Geothermal Heat Pumps at Parkview Place, Davis, CA (YouTube 37:00)
Lisa Meline, P.E. Meline Engineering, Co-Chair, IGSHPA Industry Standards Committee, Past Chair, CaliforniaGeo
Geothermal Heat Pumps: A Pathway to ZNE for Schools, Homes and Businesses (YouTube 33:26)
Peter Turnbull, Principal ZNE Program Manager, PG&E, Co-Chair, 2015 Getting to Zero National Forum
Getting to Zero Net Energy Through Market Transformation from a Utility Perspective (YouTube 28:13)
Doug Dougherty, President & CEO, GEO: The Geothermal Exchange Organization
Public Policy Challenges to Using Geothermal Heat Pumps as a ZNE Tool (YouTube 21:54)